Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Updates on Proton Pack 2.0

It's been a few weeks since I've posted any updates on my second proton pack. I've been slowly toiling away. In my defense though it's been so insanely hot here that the paint hasn't been drying right. I've have to go back several times and re-sand and re-prime many of the main pieces in order to get rid of the dimpling from the humidity. That'll teach me to paint in a heatwave.

So aside from the cyclotron being covered with copious amounts of paint and primer, it's coming along really well. Slow, but well.  My first time around I worked on the body and then the gun separately. This time I'm trying to build them at the time time to decrease build time, decrease the amount of paint and primer I go through, and to keep the paint looking more uniform. Although it's a flat black, so really there isn't much you can do to make it look THAT different.  Still.  Both sections are coming along.

The following pics are of the past few weeks' worth of work. Still a work in progress and still some much needed sanding has to happen in some places. But Enjoy!

Pretty much right where I left off, here is the gun mount box with it's first coat of filler. It helps strengthen the wood and makes it easier to smooth and detail.  (however it does gum up the sandpaper a bit) 

Crank Case also with thicker primer.

The packs use 2 Clippard resistors. I have to admit I like making these. Something about the small size and detail that can be added.  Granted, they're a pain in the ass because they're so small. but they come out looking great.  One is on the body of the pack and the other it attached to the gun.

Like I said. I like these. Which is why I'm taking too many pictures of them.

The gun body!

This strip becomes the panels that borders the cyclotron as seen a few pics below.

 I like to test fit pieces together often. Usually everytime a new pieces comes closer to being done. It's important to me to make sure that measurements are still correct and lines still line up. After primer and paint pieces increase in size slightly. So I'm always checking to makes sure everything still fits.  (Plus I get a kick out of seeing it come together)

The paint! I'm going with a flat satin which I'll scuff up with 1000-2000 grit paper in order to dull out any shine. Even though it's a matte color it still gets a bit shiny.  As you can see from the 

Here we have a "before and after" with paint.  

I'd say things are slowly coming together. Next will be to start putting in the electric components. I need to obviously cut holes for the four red lights and to make the bumper. Which was a huge pain, to be honest. I'm taking my time with it this time around. I have to find a better way to create a piece like that.   

Here you can see the crank case, almost finished with crank knob and decal. Just resting in place. And the power cell and injectors off to the side. I'm in the process of hollowing out the power cell for the blue LED.

Closer view of the crank case! And the light playing tricks on the paint.

And this is where we are now. I suspect that the next week or two things will start to really fall together as the majority of the housings and major components are done (or close to being done) and it will just be a matter of fine tuning certain things.  I'm going to spend time tonight working on the gun since it's almost ready for lights as well.  

It's coming along, I say!

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