Monday, March 29, 2010

Millenium Falcon 11

So I did a little more work on my Falcon last night after some initial work on the proton pack. I've added the Escape pods on which really make it look much better. 2 Giant holes on either side are not fun to look at especially when lit up. There are still some adjustments to the pods and the side panels need to be added. But the side panels need to go on once the top and bottom are glued together properly.

Next clothespins.

So here are some pictures as of now. This first one you can see the glow of the engines as well as some minor detail on the hatch

This is also the side that has the walkway lowered. I might need to do a little tweaking as far as detailing here. But it looks fairly good. You can see the engine light leaking through where the side panels need to go by the escape pod.
Here is a top front view of the falcon. Straight on the headlights are too bright and it will wash out any detail. Here you can see the light on top coming through the gunners seat. Behind which is mounted a tiny Luke Skywalker. You can also see the blue light leaking through the front. We'll get to that in a second. I do like the engine glow on my crate in the background.

Rear top angle. Fairly good engine glow spread. The angle washes out the center a little. You can see how bright the headlights are here as they burn whatever is in the background. And side blue spill from lack of cover panels by the pods.

This is just a darker side view of the newly installed pods. Here you can really the spill. Don't worry..obviously this will be fixed since i'm apparently focusing this blog on the side panels being missing. Looks good though, no?

And for some reason this to me looks like a Battlestar Galactica Shot. Of one of the raiders. I don't know why it reminds me of that. Now in the films, this section is closed off. You can't see in. For some reason the model has a little window here. I'm currently blacking out this window so I can glue it in.
This is all I have to update about now. If i really get my ass in gear I should be done with this within the next few weeks. It's just a matter of focusing. Now that the electrical system is up and running and the few bugs I had are fixed. It should last for some time with out anything burning out. Hopefully the only bad thing that happens is that the batteries die and need replacing.


  1. This is fantastic! Did you make this from scratch or was it a model that you modified?

    1. I wish I could say I was talented enough to have made this from scratch. But no, it's an ERTL kit that I've modified.
      Thanks for the compliment!
