Monday, May 22, 2006

Millenium Flacon 4

OK, this is a piece that I know drives modellers crazy. The sensor dish/array. Personally I know i've spend countless houurs scouring the internet and old photos and stills for pictures of some of the finer detail on the falcon. This particular piece seems to be missing from all close up shots that I could find. Happily though, I have been able to locate a few pictures that were clear enough for me to get a good idea of what the detail should look like.

The following are the pieces not totally assembled yet, but at least you can see the progress on the detail. There is some aging and some correct color panels being done.

Here is the front of the dish. I believe there are a few red markings that need to be placed on it, however I'm still double checking my facts on this particular detail. But as is, I'm very happy with the outcome.

This is the base to the dish itself. This piece took sometime and patience with moulding putty to smoothe out seams that otherwise would be way to visible.

And lastly, the rear view of the dish. The two grey panels were taped out and painted. Then the aging and black detail was added.

I will do my best to document this project with as many photos as possible so people will have some record of the falcon here online. So if anyone needs any close up photos, or more of a specific piece, please let me know and I will accomodate as I can.

I will say that all is coming along at a nice easy pace. I'm not rushing this. Hopefully for now this is enough. As the sections come together I will add more.

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