Sunday, May 07, 2006

Millenium Flacon 3

Pictures galore. I haven't updated this in a few weeks, but fear not, I have been toiling away on this project. I have just been awefully busy with other projects that I have been unable to update.

Over the past few weeks I've managed to do some more basic priming and painting before the electronics are added and the final model is pieced together.

The landing gear were painted and detailed. The pads beneath the "feet" were painstakingly taped out and painted. Not that anyone will really see the detail, but I know its there.

And following below is just a whole slew of images of finished pieces or pieces in the throws of being details. not pictured is the ever allusive radar dish. Its drying and I didn't want to disturb it. There has been much tweaking to many of the parts, the radar dish being one of them with countless hours trying to smoothe out seams with moulding putty.

And now without further delay...."in process" photos of the Falcon's parts.

The upper and lower windows for the two guns. Before and after detail of paint.
Upper and lower guns assembled so the parts are movable. I may glue the bottom one in order to keep it from swivelling down.
Struts for the gangplank. The upper portion of the cockpit and the seats themselves. Trying to solve the problem of a missing instrument panel. I'll have more updates about that once I focus in on a solution.
In-lays before any specific detail. These are just painted a flat primer gray to give them more definition. Weathering and depth need to be added with some black detail.
Finally, the housing for the landing gear with the necessary holes for the landing gear struts to be pushed up into.

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