Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Flux Capacitor Part 1

Ladies and Gentlemen!

I've mentioned it, or hinted at it. Something. But now I'm actually taking on the challenge of building a mini Flux Capacitor. I mean who wouldn't want one of those just sitting there on their desk? You never know when you're going to need one. So I'm taking it upon myself to flood the world (or my desk) with the power of the the Delorean.

Reference photos have actually been difficult to find. Not because they're scarce, but because there are so many. They Flux Capacitor (from here on known as "FC") changed a little in each film and then of course again in all the replicas being built both privately and licensed.

But here is a pretty good photo just to get some basic ideas from:

This is one of the do it yourself kind. Love this kind! Doc Brown wouldn't have it any other way.

Now begins my attempt at making a smaller version of this amazing piece of technology.

Dimensions were taking from the actual electrical box that it's housed in and just shrunk down. As far as my projects go, this one is the easiest to get measurements for because the things actually exist.

Pretty straight forward rectangle with sides ready to be assembled

I cut out the viewing port and will eventually cover this with a thin piece of plastic. 

There are no innards yet.  There is no nothing yet. Just a frame. A weird picture frame.


For now this is it. As of posting these pictures I've moved on to step two which is to the the actually working pieces of the FL lit and properly aligned.  If I can I'll try to get some pics ready for upload tomorrow just so you can all see the magic of the light. oooh. Ahhh.

I know there isn't much here, but it's a start. It's very boxy. Once the FL has more structure I can start to round out the corners. While it is an electric box, it's not a perfect rectangle. That baby's got curves!

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