Sunday, July 02, 2006

Millenium Flacon 6

Progress is coming along slowly but at a decent pace. I've purposefully taken my time on this project and while it doesn't seem like i've gotten a lot done at one time, when i stand back and look I realize that I'm getting there.

Following are more picture updates including the mysterious gunner. This model came with 3 characters. Two of which were obviously Han and Chewie. The third character in my opinion looked a lot like Luke in his X-Wing flight suit, so i painted him accordingly.

What you can't see is the detail on the sides of the helmut, did my best to draw the symbol of the rebellion.

Here is the top half of the shell with the beginnings of the red detail. All the reference photos i've seen each have some discrepencies. Not to mention the fact that the model itself, while being very detailed, is not exact to the movie models.

Here are the panels that go on the front of the mandibles. As well, pictured are the holders for the lamps that act as headlights for the falcon. Not the best pic, but you get the idea.

And here is a lighting test. First straight on. Nothing is glued together, just resting in place so i can get an idea of how everything fits together.

And a side angle view. You can see the wires in the left mandible and how there are gaps where the body isn't glued together yet.

Thanks for checking in, more to come soon.

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